Dan Newhouse Receives Endorsement of Latino Political Group

The LIBRE Initiative Action Will Mobilize Washington Latino Voters in Support of Newhouse

 Arlington, VA (9/30/24) – Today, The LIBRE Initiative Action, a political group committed to supporting candidates who want to advance freedom-minded solutions, announced its support for Dan Newhouse’s campaign for re-election to the U.S. House.

As the election approaches, it’s vital to mobilize Latino voters in favor of candidates like Congressman Dan Newhouse. Congressman Newhouse is an incredible champion for Latinos across Washington. From fighting to lower energy prices and the cost of living to ensuring we build an immigration system that solves border security and gives hard-working immigrants a path to the American Dream. Rural America has no greater champion. Congressman Newhouse’s policy wins will benefit Latinos across his district, Washington, and our nation as a whole.

Daniel Garza, Senior Advisor at The LIBRE Initiative Action, issued this statement following the endorsement: 

“As someone who grew up in Washington State, I can say with pride that Congressman Dan Newhouse is dedicated to fostering a strong economy that empowers individuals rather than relying on Washington, D.C. He supports policies to reduce inflation, manage our lands and unleash American energy, fight burdensome regulations, and promote small businesses and innovation—key elements that drive economic growth and job creation.

Americans from all backgrounds struggle with an unaffordable economy fueled by excessive government spending and ineffective policies. To move in the right direction, we need leaders like Congressman Newhouse in Washington who will champion expanded economic opportunities in the economy, immigration, and border security.

LIBRE Action looks forward to supporting Congressman Newhouse and doing everything possible to ensure his November election.” 

About The LIBRE Initiative Action 

The LIBRE Initiative Action® is committed to supporting candidates who want to advance freedom-minded policies that promote the wellbeing and self-sufficiency of the Hispanic community and the nation. We believe candidates should stand for eliminating barriers to growth and innovation, trumpet educational achievement, protect the vulnerable, and encourage more participation of Latinos in our economy and communities. We believe that is the way to achieve the American Dream. 

LIBRE Action was created to support those who champion these policies and to build the broad coalitions in Washington D.C. necessary to get them passed. Our vision is to build a movement of millions around policies that lead to a society of mutual benefit-where people succeed by helping others improve their lives and to break the internal and external barriers that prevent people from realizing their potential.

Paid for by LIBRE Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 


LIBRE Action Endorse Rep. Bryan Steil for U.S. House of Representatives 

Milwaukee, WI — Today, The LIBRE Initiative Action (LIBRE Action) announced its endorsement of Congressman Bryan Steil in his reelection bid to represent Wisconsin’s first congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives.   

He has partnered with families and business owners throughout every part of his district over the years, working with business owners to decrease burdensome regulations and lower taxes. Rep. Steil is dedicated to representing every part of his constituency to spread the message of limited government and fighting for the American Dream.

Sandra Benitez, senior advisor to The LIBRE Initiative Action, issued the following statement when announcing the endorsements: 

“The Latino vote is set to be a crucial factor in shaping the outcomes of significant races nationwide. Latinos are eager for principled leaders who prioritize solutions that empower our community and all Americans. We need candidates who champion policies for economic growth and opportunity while advocating against the expansion of big government policies that only benefit Washington. LIBRE Action is prepared to harness the full power of our grassroots efforts to support Bryan Steil who beyond believing in good policy, shows up for his constituents.” 

Background on The LIBRE Initiative Action  

The LIBRE Initiative Action® is committed to supporting candidates who want to advance freedom-minded policies that promote the wellbeing and self-sufficiency of the Hispanic community and the nation. We believe candidates should stand for eliminating barriers to growth and innovation, trumpet educational achievement, protect the vulnerable, and encourage more participation of Latinos in our economy and communities. We believe that is the way to achieve the American Dream.  

LIBRE Action was created to support those who champion these policies and to build the broad coalitions in Washington D.C. necessary to get them passed. Our vision is to build a movement of millions around policies that lead to a society of mutual benefit-where people succeed by helping others improve their lives and to break the internal and external barriers that prevent people from realizing their potential. 

Paid for by LIBRE Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 

To Thrive, Ohio Latinos Need to Elect Bernie Moreno to the U.S. Senate

LIBRE Action Has Knocked on More than 50K+ Doors and Made 215K+ Phone Calls in Support of Moreno  

Columbus, OHIO (9/27/24) – With weeks before Ohioans – including Ohio’s Latino community – head to the polls, The LIBRE Initiative Action – a political group committed to electing candidates who support freedom minded solutions, issued a statement urging Ohio Latinos to vote for Bernie Moreno for the U.S. Senate.

Since endorsing Bernie Moreno earlier this year, The LIBRE Initiative Action has knocked on 50,000 doors and made 215,000 of phone calls in support of Moreno.  

Lair Marin Marcum, Ohio advisor to The LIBRE Initiative Action, issued the following statement with an update on her team’s efforts: 

“For years, Sen. Sherrod Brown has voted to grow the size of government and green lights trillions in federal spending. And if he is reelected, Ohioans can expect to see more of the same. 

 Ohioans – including Ohio’s growing Latino community cannot afford another six years of Sherrod Brown in Washington. 

Far too many Ohio Latinos are struggling to make ends meet because of inflation and a high cost of living. Instead of supporting pro-growth economic policies, Sherrod Brown is blaming others and supporting economic policies that have been proven not to work. 

It is time to turn the page and elect new leadership in the form of Bernie Moreno. As a businessman, Bernie Moreno knows that the way to expand opportunity and prosperity is by supporting pro-growth economic policies.  

In the coming weeks, LIBRE Action will mobilize our grassroots army of volunteers, activists and staff to ensure that Bernie Moreno is Ohio’s next U.S. Senator!” 

Background on The LIBRE Initiative Action 

The LIBRE Initiative Action® is committed to supporting candidates who want to advance freedom-minded policies that promote the wellbeing and self-sufficiency of the Hispanic community and the nation. We believe candidates should stand for eliminating barriers to growth and innovation, trumpet educational achievement, protect the vulnerable, and encourage more participation of Latinos in our economy and communities. We believe that is the way to achieve the American Dream. 

LIBRE Action was created to support those who champion these policies and to build the broad coalitions in Washington D.C. necessary to get them passed. Our vision is to build a movement of millions around policies that lead to a society of mutual benefit-where people succeed by helping others improve their lives and to break the internal and external barriers that prevent people from realizing their potential. 

Paid for by LIBRE Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 
